

This is my first true attempt at understanding music, and am keen to experiment with its interactive implications, more than anything else for now.

As a designer its not easy to think about creativity as a 'personal art project', but as a 'design opportunity' because of the 'empathy' factor that's been embedded in the thought process over the years of practicing design. This time I do want to try to get out of that mindset and create something for myself first, before I can think about how to implement the learnt knowledge in a consumer based system, maybe in the near future.

Coding by itself is also new to me, and learning how to code to achieve the expected result itself is a challenge. There are some things that i wish to accomplish by end of this course, like being able to generate human nuances in coded music, or experimenting with weird organic sounds (example bird's chirping, dog's barking, or even the sounds plants make when its windy)  to make interpretable music. I am also keen on trying to experiment and create new methods for interactivity within a sound centric web page. 

I truly consider this a perfect opportunity to learn about a subject that i was always interested in but never got a chance to understand on my own.

Nitish Wakalkar